Blood Donors

The Brotherhood of Blood Donors of Salamanca aims to meet and exceed, through purely voluntary donations, any need for blood or blood products in all Public Health Centres in the capital and province, on the single condition that Centres in turn provide the blood free of charge. Additionally, they aim to promote a spirit of solidarity and altruism among the different classes of society, with absolutely no discrimination, ensuring the creation of closer ties of understanding and cooperation between the beneficiaries of the hospital stays and the hospital centres.

Contact the Brotherhood of Blood Donors here:

Hermandad de donantes de Sangre
Asociación de Utilidad Pública
Paseo de San Vicente, 58 (Hospital Virgen de la Vega)
Teléfono y Fax 923 262 080 - 650 637 673
Correo electrónico:
Página web:
Twitter: @donantesangreSA
Instragram: dssalamanca